Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Slides

We're melting chocolate to put on these peanut butter banana slides.

Polar Bean noticed how some of the chips were melted while others were in the process. He explained to the kids that the chocolate was "slobbery". Missy thought he said "strawberry". 

Strawberry, slobbery, or slides we're looking forward to this dessert tomorrow!


Monday, July 29, 2013


Scoob helped me water our wildflowers (or maybe they're weeds, we're not sure yet...)

Here in July the weather is not the humid, high temperatures found in the south. It is cloudy most mornings and usually the sun will make an appearance by the middle of the day.

Today was the same. When lunchtime came, the sun prompted us outside.

Polar Bean practiced walking on the brick wall.

Scoob acted playful and content in the sun with our makeshift watering jug.

And Missy basked in the sun and ate a thick turkey sandwich (made on good old homemade sourdough bread).

Scoob liked checking out the watering jug. I tried capturing Little Man but he kept on saying, "no, no!" I guess he's had enough of the paparazzi.

If only that watering jug was actually filled with water, Scoob would have quite the strong arm!


According to Daddy, Scoob took one step by herself today. I wasn't there to confirm but I guess I'll trust him :)

Netted Bag

Polar bean found a netted bag.

I guess his head was cold?

It lets breeze in, but helps keep your hair from getting in your eyes.

And it's so fun to look through!! 


I am reading a book on homesickness called Uprooted. The author nails it: "When your desires and wants and longings stop you from seeing the opportunities, lessons, work and blessings where the Lord has put you, homesickness becomes spiritually crippling."

I have felt homesick before but I'm thankful I have yet to experience it in this location. I anticipate it in the future with our world travels and international moves. So why not gain some insight and perhaps arm myself with Biblical truth before I need it?

Scoob and Teething

This little munch hasn't been herself lately. So when I happened to catch a smile. I took advantage and snapped a few pictures.

I do believe she is working on a one year molar. What a change from her siblings! Her older sister didn't get her first teeth until she was at least 15 months old!

Right before bed, she was a bit jollier a few nights ago.

She still finds her fingers to be a source of comfort.

We sometimes tease her and call her bangs. 

She also has grown quite fond of her pink blanket.

Made for it

"We were made for a person and a place. Jesus is the Person. Heaven is the place." By Randy Alcorn

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday movie time

After reading the unabridged editions of The Magician's Nephew, The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe, The Horse & His Boy, the kids are able to watch (parental edited) Prince Caspian (the only Narnia movie we own). 

They are thoroughly enjoying it! We've watched it in segments.

Little Man was even able to stay up from nap time to finish it!

As for the reading, Daddy is reading them Prince Caspian.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Double-decker Fort

Yesterday I found the kids revealing places I haven't cleaned....like under the couch cushions 

Polar Bean likes a good manmade fort. And our couch cushions were happy to oblige in becoming material for the construction.

It was even constructed with a first floor cave which became Missy's little apartment.

Typical Missy stance nowadays.

Leave it to the kids to remind me that there will always be something to clean!

Thursday, July 25, 2013


We have been a little under the weather for the last 12 hours. 

So today we opted to chill at the house, reading books, coloring and watching a couple movies. 

It looks like Little Missy is having writer's block, or rather colorer's block. 

Thankfully she recovered herself and went on to color a masterpiece. 

Polar Bean discovered if he scribbled really fast and furiously, then he could devote his whole attention to ripping off the crayon paper covers and dropping them on the floor. 

I'm not sure Missy is very thrilled with her end result but at least she's stylish in her pink jacket and pajamas. And braided pigtails. 

 Tie-dye is never out of fashion in our household either. 

Super U Boy

Where's the boy in the blue cape & red underpants?

Why he's off fighting crimes and completing dangerous feats!



All of the city's worst criminals shake when they hear his name, "Super Underwear Boy!"

And all the girls of the land sigh.

What a boy!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

An impromptu picnic date with Little Man

Eating lunch in the front seat of the car is a lot of fun, but the real draw is all the buttons and knobs to be pushed and explored. 

Mr. Multi-tasker eatin a cracker and trying to unlock the door.

After playing with friends at the park, the oldest two (Missy and Polar Bean) and the youngest (Scoob) fell asleep. They had all been complaining of being tired and needed a "pick me up" nap so Little Man and I enjoyed the front seat sights and consumed the leftover food while they finished their power naps.

Peeling mikans (the English term is clementine right?) bring back fond memories of my childhood. My palms of my hands and feet turned orange from eating so many.

I will treasure these memories also.

Playing in the dirt

Today we went to a new park 

(I seriously wonder how long it would take us to try one new park a week out here. There are so many and most of them have become favorites!)

It may be hard to see but the kids found this park's baseball field to be irresistible.

Hence they look like they've been excavating.

A little dirt didn't hurt anyone did it?
