I am happy to report Missy is doing swell!
(Pun Intended)
Her swelling has gone done a lot more!
This picture above was taken yesterday.
Today you can't even tell that she had swelling.
Bee, bee, go away!
It must be bee season here. There are tons everywhere.
Since Missy's incident, we are all on the high alert.
Tried to pick up my bike from a friend
but the rack had fallen since my husband had put it on.
Thankfully with a little pulling here, a tugging here, and praying all along the way,
we got the bike home without any accidents!
Scoob had the privilege (or disadvantage depending on how you view it)
to have a bath all by herself yesterday.
She loves splashing in water and she seemed to like the extra space sans other siblings.
She also didn't have to share bath toys and that made her pretty happy!
One of Scoob's favorite activities is to go through
Little Man's clothing drawer.
If we're upstairs and it's quiet,
I know where to look for Scoob!
We've started homeschooling!
Polar Bean is doing great! His favorite subject is math
because he can build with the blocks.
Our pack 'n play will never be the same...
Scoob has widened the hole and then I found on another side,
that an even larger hole has appeared.
Something's wrong with the picture, huh?
The big kids are the ones in the playpen
and Scoob is the one peering in from the outside!
This kid is pretty happy! He was offered gum
at the health food store and Mama let him have it.
Such a trooper, he chewed it for a couple hours while we ran errands.
Missy asked for her picture to be taken as well.
With her gum.
And the express mail sticker.
Thank you USPS!
It certainly was more enjoyable to go to the post office and get a special sticker!
All the kids wore them the entire day.
We stopped by the party store which was the first time my kids have ever been in one.
The balloon wall captured their attention for the longest time!
And we found silly masks.
In the kids' corner, we have set up a music station for Missy's cd player.
The kids have camped out there most of the day!