Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Heard by my ears

3 hours into the flight, looking outside..
"We are flying...woohoo!"
"I don't see God."
"That is awesome!!"

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Shenanigans

Our boys decided their accessories were perfect for Easter!

Single Snapshot

Single Snapshot

Protecting the littlest

Little Man is in the phase silly faces.

Fearless all dolled up!

And working her pose!

The Fab 4!

Little man's: "Come hither" look

Girly girls

Hands are full! 

His famous pose


Oh these boys!


As good as it gets at this age...

Scoob is wearing Fearless's old dress. 
The cupcake one. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Heard by my ears

Breakfast prayer by Little Man:
"Thank you God for this food. Too bad Miss Jane got a cut and thank you that we got a bandaid for her. Amen."

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Heard by my ears

Using my tweezers to "fix" his holes in the knees

Little man: "You look like a lion, Mama!"

Later on while looking in the mirror

Little man: "I look like Curly from Oklahoma because that's where I was born!"

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I Hear Water Running

Whenever I hear water running for longer than 1 minute and there's silence, 
I know to holler for Scoob. 

She likes to wash hands.

A lot!

I have to admit, she's one the cutest hand washers around. 

Looks like she may be practicing her ballet toes!

Heard by my ears

Borrowing from the classic Aesop's Fables: 

Little man's description of rest time: "There's a time to read and a time to play."

Later on to Scoob:
"I'm handsome, you're pretty!"

Monday, April 14, 2014

Cloudy is the Perfect Lighting.

Scoob was feeling extra pretty in her
"new" (hand-me-down from a friend)

She was also feeling better after several days of fighting a nasty cold. 

With clouds in the air and the olders running off 
to wreak havoc on any tourist in sight, I whipped out 
the trusty iPhone to capture a few of her 18 month facial expressions.

This is the perfect seat for a little one, right?

Clearly she thought so. 

She tried to do a few gymnastics moves.

Since getting her "new" church shoes,
she has worn them every day. 

Checking out the cruise ship in the bay. 

I'm treasuring these quiet moments with the littlest.

Heard by my ears

Fearless: "I can't see with my glasses on. I'll put them up like the teachers do."

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Beautiful Sunday

Last week we enjoyed the beach doing...

Frisbee throwing 

Smiling son

Making sand angels 
