1. This quote from Choice Stories for Children, (selected by: Ernest Lloyd):
"Dare to be honest, good, and sincere,
Dare to be upright, and you never need fear.
Dare to be brave in the cause of the right,
Dare with the enemy ever to fight.
Dare to be loving and patient each day,
Dare speak the truth, whatever you say.
Dare to be gentle and orderly too,
Dare shun the evil, whatever you do.
Dare to be cheerful, forgiving, and mild,
Dare shun the people whom sin has defiled.
Dare to speak kindly, and ever be true,
Dare to do right, and you'll find your way through."
2. Hearing wild bay seals barking from our house
3. Having an hour to cuddle with a teething baby...even if it is in the middle of the night.
4. Homemade Tsukemono
5. Scoob sitting on my lap enjoying a cracker in the lovely grass on a sunshiny afternoon.
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"Dare to be honest, good, and sincere,
Dare to be upright, and you never need fear.
Dare to be brave in the cause of the right,
Dare with the enemy ever to fight.
Dare to be loving and patient each day,
Dare speak the truth, whatever you say.
Dare to be gentle and orderly too,
Dare shun the evil, whatever you do.
Dare to be cheerful, forgiving, and mild,
Dare shun the people whom sin has defiled.
Dare to speak kindly, and ever be true,
Dare to do right, and you'll find your way through."
2. Hearing wild bay seals barking from our house
3. Having an hour to cuddle with a teething baby...even if it is in the middle of the night.
4. Homemade Tsukemono
5. Scoob sitting on my lap enjoying a cracker in the lovely grass on a sunshiny afternoon.
8. This is a bad picture but the other day the sun shone through the clouds and it was beautiful! (Thankful for our view!)
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That is an excellent list, even if it was in the middle of the night ;-) I wish we could come to see your view!!! Truly. It will be such a short time till you fly away again to a new location. Thank you for sharing your blessings!