It was another glorious day out, The kids went outside mid morning, ate lunch out on the patio table then we had to run a few errands.

Polar bean asked me to say that they "had to play outside" when we got back. So I readily agreed.

When we arrived back, Little Man was rushed off to bed. And the olders played.

And played.

And played.

Scoob went down for a nap. I completed some of my bible study homework.

And still they played.
After 4 hours of outside, dirt digging, "poison-making" (that's the sludge in the dump truck apparently. I think they've watched Snow White too much...) the olders were muddy and tired.
So I popped them into the bath and afterwards they heartily ate snacks!

Little Man has a love for door bells.

And today he realized that he could stand on his older sister's chair push the button easily and frequently.

Scoob downed her lunch of black beans. That's one of her favorites!

We've been enjoying hot tea recently.

For all of you in the south, I know that probably makes you want to sweat.

It's not too warm here at all. And in the Middle East, many drink hot tea to cool themselves off. Did you know that?
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